Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Good First Try

I have always been one to talk negatively about this blogging crap, but I have given in. I feel like I need to leave a mark somehow in this internet era, even if no one ever reads this blog. I also want to remember things that happen during my last two years here at Harvard.

So, yeah- I dropped the big H-bomb. I figure I will get it out of the way at the introduction. I pull this move many many times, especially when I am talking to guys. For a girl, nothing is more of a turn-off or a cock block than saying you go to Harvard. Now, this can either hurt or help you. If the guy is sketchy, and you want him to leave you alone, drop the word and he is gone faster than a bat out of hell. And if you find, by a miracle, a nice guy, then you wait as long as you can to lay it on him...the fact you go to Harvard, I mean.

Instead of filling you in from the beginning of my life until now, I will just start this blog acting like you already know me. You will find out about me as time goes on, and I can fill in the empty gaps. Some important things to know about me and my life:
a) I am pretty lame. I like to stay in, do work, and watch movies.
b) I like guys, but they really piss me off. Especially when I seem to date guys that are afraid to open up, as ass holes, or are just looking for ass
c) I am not your average Harvard girl. Yeah, I may be a total nerd, but I definitely am more than just my books and my classes.

Okay. So now that I have sufficiently procrastinated long enough... I better get some work done and get to dinner.

Until next time!

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